Provisional Awards

San Marino, CA, April 12, 2014

Paphiopedilum Deperle Dene HCC 76 pts.
© Arthur Pinkers 2014
Plant Name: Paphiopedilum Deperle 'Dene' HCC/AOS 76 pts.
(Paph. primulinum x Paph. delenatii)

Natural Spread Horizontal: 9.0 cm Vertical: 9.3 cm
Dorsal Sepal
Width: 4.1 cm Length: 5.0 cm
Petal Width: 3.3 cm Length: 6.5 cm
Lateral Sepal (Synsepal): Width: 3.5 cm Length: 4.5 cm
Lip (Pouch): Width: 2.6 cm Length: 5.0 cm

Description: Three flowers and six buds on three inflorescences; sepals white, lightly brushed yellow centrally, margin finely ciliate; petals white, finely spotted red-purple centrally, margin finely ciliate; pouch white; staminode yellow, darker centrally, brushed red-purple on inferior third; substance medium; texture lightly crystalline, pouch puberulent.
Exhibitor: Carol Beule
Dendrobium kingianum ‘Pinky’ AM 81 pts.
© Arthur Pinkers 2014
Plant Name: Dendrobium kingianum ‘Pinky’ AM/AOS 81 pts.

Natural Spread Horizontal: 2.8 cm Vertical: 2.8 cm
Dorsal Sepal
Width: 0.8 cm Length: 1.5 cm
Petal Width: 0.6 cm Length: 1.3 cm
Lateral Sepal (Synsepal): Width: 0.9 cm Length: 1.8 cm
Lip (Pouch): Width: 0.9 cm Length: 1.2 cm

Description: Eight hundred ninety-six well shaped, fragrant flowers and twenty-six buds on one hundred twenty-eight inflorescences; sepals and petals white, brushed light pink proximally becoming deep magenta apically; lip clear white, very lightly brushed pink distally, calli very pale yellow; column white; substance firm; texture crystalline.
Exhibitor: Carol Beule
Paph. rothschildianum Hunter's Fun AM 85 pts.
© Arthur Pinkers 2014
Plant Name: Paphiopedilum rothschildianum 'Hunter's Fun' AM/AOS 85 pts.

Natural Spread Horizontal: 27.5 cm Vertical: 10.5 cm
Dorsal Sepal
Width: 5.0 cm Length: 8.0 cm
Petal Width: 2.0 cm Length: 14.5 cm
Lateral Sepal (Synsepal): Width: 5.0 cm Length: 7.3 cm
Lip (Pouch): Width: 2.5 cm Length: 6.7 cm

Description: Three flowers and one bud on one well presented 48.0 cm inflorescence; sepals green-yellow veined maroon; petals green-yellow, spotted maroon along veins coalescing on distal three quarters, margins hirsute proximally; pouch pale yellow overlaid and veined maroon; staminode pale yellow; substance firm; texture matte.
Exhibitor: The Huntington Botanical Gardens
Paph. rothschildianum Hunter's Fun AM 85 pts.two flowers
© Arthur Pinkers 2014
Cattleya crispata Royal Basin Sunshine AM 83 pts.
© Arthur Pinkers 2014
Plant Name: Cattleya crispata 'Royal Basin Sunshine' AM/AOS 83 pts.

Natural Spread Horizontal: 6.5 cm Vertical: 5.4 cm
Dorsal Sepal
Width: 0.9 cm Length: 3.3 cm
Petal Width: 0.9 cm Length: 3.0 cm
Lateral Sepal (Synsepal): Width: 1.0 cm Length: 2.3 cm
Lip (Pouch): Width: 1.0 cm Length: 2.1 cm

Description: Twenty-nine flowers on three strong upright inflorescences, the tallest was 48.0 cm's; flowers brilliant canary yellow; substance firm; texture crystalline, formerly called Laelia flava.
Exhibitor: Arthur Pinkers
Paph. Prince Edward of York Huntington's Mustache AM 87 pts.
© Arthur Pinkers 2014
Plant Name: Paphiopedilum Prince Edward of York 'Huntington's Mustache' AM/AOS 87 pts.
(Paph. rothschildianum x Paph. sanderianum)

Natural Spread Horizontal: 12.0 cm Vertical: 39.1 cm
Dorsal Sepal
Width: 3.9 cm Length: 8.2 cm
Petal Width: 1.6 cm Length: 36.5 cm
Lateral Sepal (Synsepal): Width: 3.6 cm Length: 8.5 cm
Lip (Pouch): Width: 2.8 cm Length: 7.2 cm

Description: Five impressive flowers on one 53.0 cm, strong inflorescence; sepals light yellow, veined dark maroon; petals well shaped with minimal twist, yellow, spotted maroon along the veins coalescing distally; pouch yellow overlaid light brown distally; staminode yellow covered with pubescent red-brown hairs; substance firm; texture matte.
Exhibitor: The Huntington Botanical Gardens
Paph. Prince Edward of York Huntington's Mustache AM 87 pts. all flowers
© Arthur Pinkers 2014